
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Louis Chair

I must have a Louis Chair. I have been loving them since Kim Kardashian had one at her Parson's Desk on the Kardashians. (don't judge, I love trashy tv). I love the one below. Sorry, don't know where the image is from. But, I must have a Louis Chair, really 2. One for me and one for my daughter. Pairing them with a Parson's Desk. I have been scouring Craigs List, Consignments Shops, everywhere, and not a one to be found. Still looking.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fountains in the Pool

I love fountains in pools. So when my pee-boy fountain was unused, I decided to have him pee in the pool. I know, some of you won't find this funny. But I do. We have an above ground pool, put in ground and we love it. Now we have a fountain for it. What crazy stuff do you do for your pool?